Has the slogan "1Malaysia" been bastardised?
We hear and see it everywhere which augurs well for promoting the program but what we do not know if the slogan have been applied correctly as we still see many are still in the dark over the directions of this Government program.
There are even private organizations having the logo attached to their products and services. Is this a show of support or to ride on the wave of the program to popularise their own products/services?
Let's not talk about "1Malaysia" or "Middle Malaysia" yet. If there are no tolerance and sense of responsibility for individual sensitivity in the diverse Malaysian culture and race, it remains a dream. From the 20+ years of Mahahir political doctrine is what we see Malaysia today!
It's sad that the culture, tradition and friendship among races we had before that was never to be seen today and I meant the seat around in houses and shops regardless of race remains a history. What have really happened to the days when my Malay friends stayed and hang around in my home for the whole day during festivity or celebrations and vice versa.
No questions asked then!
Try to do it now, a thousand questions and accussations being bestowed upon them. Isn't this a sign of culture divide?
Everything today in Malaysia is about race and religion which the politicians play the game to remain in power and personal gains. This divisive tactic is simply destructive and as each day passes by, there is growing frustrations on the leaders playing the racial divide overtures.
The general Malaysian public are much more critical and learned today. They are able to analyse themselves which comes to the question if the Government leaders are playing the right tone in bid to regain and remain power.
All Prime Minister Najib's call for
innovation and creativity for 1Malaysia has no meaning if the corruption, nepotism and political conviction were to go on. Again, the brain drain will go on and if these is what the "extremists" wants to see, then 1Malaysia needs to take a real hard re-look at rehabilitating these "extremists".
Nasir Safar does not worthy of a Datukship if his mentality and behaviour is such. It's a shame that a man of that age who have walked through generations of Malaysia independence could utter such comments and "sorry" is not even a word which could be accepted.
His resignation is just a "smoke" while he would be re-appointed to another position elsewhere which was what the BN Government have been doing to maintain their support. If such is the direction, Najib would have drag extra unwanted luggage in his effort for 1Malaysia (if he is sincere on this program).
This is simply the reason why corruption and all will still go on despite the leaders' assurances! The warned and disciplined individual re-emerges in another rolegiven the equal powers and same mindset. You call this a change towards a better Malaysia????
Malaysians on the ground generally are united but if the Government leaders are adamant in carrying out the divisive activities behind the cloak of 1Malaysia, it's a road to their own funeral.
Have we really seen the kind of positive international trade, developments and media write-ups about Malaysia? The answer is a big NO! There is nothing seriously positive but more skeletons being dugged out with stolen jet engines, Altantuya mystery, PKFZ (which is now quiet), Scorpene, Allah issue and many more which would affect the confidence in BN Government for a very long time.
The Anwar sodomy trial if he is ultimately convicted would definitely throw a spanner into 1Malaysia and we would see the last of BN Government as nobody would believe this present charge even though Anwar if is a bi-sexual. The facts are there and yet the trial goes on to convict Anwar.
UMNO thinks that putting Anwar behind the bars would kill off Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Keadilan but its all wishful thinking. A new leader would arise from these "ashes" and the thinking leaders of triumph the UMNO leaders whom are purely interested in large houses, big cars, holidays, properties etc.
So the pointers of a self destruction of BN Government is there and they have to act fast which is why Pakatan Rakyat is under attack from all corners now. With Sarawak state elections coming up, the "spring cleaning" by BN ought to be carried out fast, they would think, but they are simply deserted of thinkers to execute a cleanup.
It would be better that the present Government concentrate on developing the nations economic potential and growth as proof to the public that we can rely on the present Government in the next election. As it seems now, we can't totally rely on the present bunch of leaders at all!
Even they succeed now, it would be a bigger tsunami come the 13th election and this is for sure!