Friday, July 23, 2010

defying law!

i've wrote many times of law defying teenagers of AU2 Keramat and here is another classic example!

aren't the police doing something about this? Have said before and repeating it again here!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Football jerseys Muslims should not wear

With the citing of Football jerseys Muslims should not wear. Manchester United and Barcelona supporters would be the most hardly hit!

Wonder if the Malaysian version of the MU jerseys to overcome the above would be like this?

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Mystery Malaysian tycoon flew Paris to World Cup

The headline above made its way into The Star online early this morning but the story was removed for reasons unknown. The story was also missing from other mainstream media but made its way to Cyberjaya Online, the closest local news channel which dare to carry the news briefly though.

A quick glance could be the worry that the story of this mystery Malaysian would be linked to the Paris Hilton drug arrest at the World Cup.

And who could this Mystery Malaysian be and mixing with high profile celebrities?

Is this the same big spending mystery man whom had "excite" many other celebrities namely Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox?

And if the Mystery Malaysian are the same person, then it would be interesting to note if this of the purportedly arms dealer with a lowdown!

Malaysia Boleh!