It's a day after the 53rd national independence day of Malaysia and raising the flags of the country and state in celebration of the momentous milestone is a proud moment for Malaysians since 1957.
Many buses and lorries whizzing the highways mount the national flags as a symbol of pride. Malaysians fly the flags high on houses, offices, building s and everywhere including cars while some flags ultimately became "victim" of lack of securing the mounting and lie on roads across the country. Is this act of betrayal or disrespect to the country?
Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim had said it right that flags are cheaper than a pack of cigarettes and available everywhere, including him providing the flags to Malaysians for free!
Has this cheap and easy availability resulted in mass production which lacked quality or the "tidak apa" mentality towards the national flag?
This leads us to how a school in Kuala Lumpur could raise the state flag upside down (refer pic)!!!!!!
What makes it more insulting is that the flag was mounted on the gates of the main school entrance where hundreds of students and teachers pass by each day while no one notices it or just adopting the "close one eye" attitude!
2 years ago when the opposition bloggers posted the Malaysian flag upside down as a sign of the country in crisis, it drew flak from the ruling Government and eventually jailed for flying the flag upside down.
Will the principal, State Education Director or Minister of Education be responsible for this? Fined? Jailed?
Wouldn't it be better not to fly the flag at all if incidents like the above and torn flags are raised for National Day celebrations?
Let us be proud Malaysians and keep the flag flying correctly!
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