Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Between "Allah" and "Tuhan" - leaved it to the confused!

If "Allah" refers to God specifically for Islam in Malaysia, does this means that "God" is reserved for the Christians to use in Bible and sermons/publications?

Can Muslims utter "Oh My God"?

If God is universal, would the God be angry if there are more and more people calling upon him?

If usage between God and Allah is merely an interpretation, wouldn't the God be upset with the twisting and turning in Malaysian Courts over the decision in using the word Allah?

As we can see, the issue is more about safeguarding the interest of Islam faith and not causing confusion among the Muslim brothers over religion.

Wait a minute, we should not stray away from the more pressing issues of;

(a) PKFZ,
(b) Teoh Beng Hock,
(c) missing F5E jet engines (yet again MACC had proven they are only experts at catching "small
(d) Altantuya murder,
(e) corruptions, scandals and etc.

Leave the God or Tuhan (since we can't use Allah), to decide while Malaysians pay special attention to the issues enveloping Malaysia!

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