Thursday, February 26, 2009

UMNO gangstas in parliament

Is UMNO breeding gangstas?

They exist in Parliament as well and one does not need to think hard why such culture had been cultivated when they had supported Mat Rempit.

Sigh! What has Malaysia been turned into by these UMNO goonies which started from this?

Comeback with a fatwa on Mat Rempit and gangsterism/violence?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Many times, Monday and Friday had traditionally been associated with "Black Monday" and "Black Friday" respectively.

This time, it would be a "BLACK TUESDAY" in Perak and it would be great as a show of support against the BN led Government whom had robbed the rights of the people of Malaysia and the 2 upcoming by-elections would provide the stage to prove that BN represents the past!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Perak and the "four prostitutes"

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich mans world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich mans world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
Its a rich mans world

It will go down in Malaysian politics history of a State Government changing hands in a matter of 11 months of administration with success and a definite entry into Malaysia Book of Records.

However, this event had also brought another new dimension to the present Malaysian Government in accepting "defection" and setting precedent for possibility of more "political prostitutes" jumping ship. What these frogs had forgotten was the trust and hope bestowed upon them by the voters for a better tomorrow which has now vanished.

Comparing a prostitute who works to live against the "four political prostitutes", the latter is much more degrading in the eyes of the public! Had they disagree with their former party leaders, they should resign and not "prostitute" themselves into switching camps. Now thats really prostitution at its best!

The "four political prostitutes" had betrayed the people in their constituency and much more the Rakyat whom had wanted to see a better administered Malaysia.

The positive aspect of this incident means that the rakyat whom had put the "four political prostitutes" into their present position had learnt a great lesson in that the present Malaysian Government promotes morally decay individuals into their administration.

* one, who behaves like a "lallang", switched camp a week ago only to turn his back and return to UMNO,
* two of them are facing charges for corruption pending a court hearing with a possibility that the
charges would be dropped after this switch (let's watch this) and
* final one, who had closed the service centre for 14 days and incommunicado for more than 24 hours only to comeback with a renewed devilish vowto start the year of the Ox.

It's sickening to see a country like Malaysia where innocent people from diverse culture and religion living in harmony are being screwed by "political prostitutes".

Perakians live another day to know the fate of Perak State Government as the Sultan had deferred his decision on either to recognise BN as the new State Government or agreeing to dissolution of the State Assembly which majority Malaysians felt the latter woud be appropriate to allow BN or PR to have a better mandate once for all.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Of Perak Political Turmoil and Priority of Government Leaders

The recent political events in Perak does not augur well for country and Malaysians at large. If it's true "money politics" are involved, it is a shame for the political leaders who seem to be placing their personal interests ahead of the people in their resepctive constituency.

Should the many police reports lodged against Deputy Prime Minister prove to be true, then again, our leaders have got all their priorities wrong where they should be working hard towards lifting the country and its people out of this economic downturn.

It can only be seen that the current global economic turmoil would not affect the ruling party leaders where it is an open secret that the wealth accumulated by these individuals are astounding while the typical Malaysians suffer.