Friday, September 19, 2008

Between ISA, takeover, swap and the "dreams"

Malaysians and people around the world are apalled over the ISA arrest and Che Det says no justification in arresting bloggers! Meanwhile, Semi Value had woken up to comment "Arrest anyone who raises racial issues!"

With Anwar in a rush to call for a Parliamentary emergency session to have a no-confidence vote on PM rejected ouright, it would only be wise for the Abdullah Badawi to pick up the challenge and "bury" Anwar once for all.

Should Badawi carry on denying the accusations thrown at him as well as avoiding such calls, it will only lead to more Malaysians believing that Anwar was right. Badawi as a PM should have the confidence to look up and this presents him a great opportunity to end Pakatan Rakyat's challenge besides proving to rakyat that Anwar was all lies.

Meanwhile the botak (baldy) speaks again saying ‘Don’t speculate on Anwar and ISA’ but would suggest that he looks into the origin of this speculation. Who ISA be invoke on the individuals who starts the speculation to be fair?

The people's view of Badawi as at to-date has always been a weak leader, coward and corrupt while using the ISA to "closed-up" the wrong doings and the perception of the rakyat will continue of this sentiment till Badawi gets into Parliament for the no confidence vote.

Swapping portfolios does not absolve the issues today but swapping positions would definitely help in ending the attacks to a certain extent though Najib would also start facing his long standing accusations of involvement in the many military deals and Mongolian Altantuya Shaaribu brutal murder.

Judging from Najib's body language and facial expression during the press conference with Badawi, he has the uneasy feeling and started questioning the logic behind Badawi's swap. The other BN "Yes Man(s)" say aye aye to the swapping. He knows for certain that it was a wrong move but Najib's wife is now dreaming of becoming the "First Lady".

It remains to be seen if the PM's son-in-law ambitions of being the youngest PM in 2 years time remains a distant dream or reality. If Badawi continues this trend then it can be non existence.

Common Badawi, pick up the courage (grab your balls as well) to face the no confidence vote in Parliament!

Bury Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat once for all (if not, you always remained a coward in the eyes of the rakyat)!

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