Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Whole lotta bullshit!

Doctor examined Saiful Bukhari but not for sodomy, says Pusrawi

The report says all but the "spinning" has to take place to get back on track and story line. Many had expected that Pusrawi will be the one required to "scream" the above.

The UMNO leaders believe they can "con" the folks who rely on MSM but in actuality, these folks are no longer depend on MSM but alternative media. MSM churns all out all that boring stuff about Government propaganda (even entertainment news had taken a back seat nowadays).

In no time, all Malaysians would be hyper sensitive to politics and economy that all they talk about including"teh-tarik" sessions or even in business meetings about these "boring" topics which should not have arise at all had Malaysia had a more capable leader at the helm.

I won't be surprise that school chidren would also start talking about economy and politics since this set of Government leaders had allowed public schools to be part of the political agenda. This is where the UMNO fellas do not know how to draw a line between party and race against the priorities as a multi racial nation through 50 years of independence.

Start owning up to your dastardly mistakes and admit it!

Yet they claim they are Islamic and Muslim ..... how greedy, cynical and hypocrite these bunch of UMNO fellas are!

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