Friday, July 25, 2008

Walk The Talk Pak Lah!

"Name Of God And Religion Being Abused To Justify Violence And Terrorism", Says Abdullah.

The prime minister said such extremism had been observed many times in the course of history and in each instance, the virtuous teachings of religion had been twisted and manipulated on behalf of one's religion, for the sake of political gain or personal profit.

But under the cloak as Imam of Islam Hadhari he does otherwise;

(a) lies,
(b) personal profit,
(c) political gain,
(d) more importantly using Islam and Muslim for political gains such as this but with a twist
using unity and
(e) God knows what else.

There is a distinctive difference between a Muslim and Melayu as well as between Muslim and Islam.

Islam is the faith-tradition and the word "Islam" means "peace" and "submission," hence "peace through submission to God (Allah in Arabic), the Lord of the Universe, the Master of the Day of Recompense." "Muslim" means a person who has made such a submission, at least in its outward form.

The inner reality of the faith in the heart and mind of a Muslim is only known in its fullness to God, and the glimpse of what such submission means in daily living is to be found in his or her daily conduct.

A Muslim at peace through submission to the overwhelming reality of the universe sustained by the mercy of a just and benevolent God, the same one and only God of Jews and Christians, will be, one should expect, at peace with himself, his surroundings, his family, his neighbors.

From this you may deduce that all those Muslims clamoring in so many different ways for rights, for recompense, or at war with their surroundings as is the leader and all of his supporters and sympathizers are furthest from Islam since they have no peace in their hearts and minds.

Walk The Talk lah!

Don't just say "Work with me and not for me"or else every Malaysian will be corrupted like you! If you are a true Malaysian PM, the nation comes first before the race!

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