Thursday, July 24, 2008

Malaysia Political Drama

When you are cornered with an issue (main belakang included) and your "balls" are squeezed, you shout "I’m deeply touched to be Pak Lah’s successor." (and making sure smiling gleefully)

The person who squeezes your "balls" (orchestrator) gladfully proclaim “Tak habis dengan cerita ini?" (seeking an end?) and goes on enjoying the show.

The best method of defence against your biggest threat is to attack while using a tried and tested method called sodomy but refused admission to involvement.

The orchestrator would start splitting the Malay support through muzakarah albeit "jalan belakang" (synonymous to sodomy itself) but the other party thinks better to have muqabalah.

Malaysians, we now have a divided rakyat and BN can rule safely again! Sure? The sodomy case accused says "Sept 16 deadline on track"

Whether all the above took place remains a mystery adn may go down into the "anals".

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