Friday, August 31, 2012

Color and Perception!

Colors play an important role in advertising, marketing, human behaviour dan perception!

Should right colors be applied on marketing efforts, it will produce a positive outcome while a bad choice of colors will result in interpretation that would back-fire on the PR/marketing campaign as in this poster below.

While the intentions for festive greetings in conjunction with Aidil Fitri and Merdeka were noble, the colors somewhat gives a bad feel about the message.

Let's look at the color BLACK, which signifies use of known falsehoods, partial truths, or masquerades in propaganda to confuse an opponent while for individual,it refers black-hearted person is mean and unloving. IN politics, BLACK signifies anarchist or Left Bloc as well as Nazi (SS)!

In the picture the whole Kuala Lumpur city silhoutte had been colored BLACK with a Malaysian flag. So what does it means?

A bleak future is predicted for Kuala Lumpur or Malaysia as a whole by the YB for Setiawangsa? Or he was just passing a message that the future is dark for Barisan Nasional?

Whatever the reason for choosing BLACK, it is sad that 55th Independence of the country was painted with a BLACK theme!!!! They may argue it's not BLACK but DARK BLUE but the interpretation is still the same, A DARK/BLEAK FUTURE!

The red and little yellow for the Hari Raya greetings. For me, it looks more like an Ah Long had thrown red paint over the greeting space!!!

For the Chinese, RED means luck and was this the idea behind the color scheme? Luck for the imminent GE 13 perhaps?

Anyway, it's good that the Chinese culture had assimilated into the Malay culture that re-affirms the national unity agenda BUT wouldn't it be better if GREEN and YELLOW is used for Hari Raya greetings??

Whatever it is, I can't help feeling that there is a hidden message by YB Zulhasnan to his constituency, BN folks as well as the country.

DARK-DARK FUTURE for Malaysia with Barisan Nasional!

Note : In his own constituency, crime is rampant during month of Ramadhan dan Syawal!!!

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