Wednesday, September 28, 2011

UMNO/BN promises remains promises for 54 years

Can we accept and trust the promises of the PM wholesale?

I for one would not! Given the past experience of all the sweet promises that never materialise or simply "vanished" after their objectives achieved needs to come to an end. Enough is enough.

Well, they might argue that one rotten apple in a basket does not mean all are rotten but the long history of unfulfilled promises simply serves as a grim reminder of UMNO and BN promises in winning votes come elections. As the Malay proverb, nasi sudah menjadi bubur.

Such "monkey tricks" may work previously but Malaysians are whole lot smarter now and we can expect more "tai chi" from PM in the run-up to Budget Day and Elections. So, would the majority of Malaysians benefit from these manoeuvres?

As usual the motive is to swing the Kawasan Kelabu (Grey Areas) where these are mostly the fence sitter voters expected to swing in favor of the ruling coalition. And how do they expect to swing the city voters which have woken up to bombard the Government questions that they could not provide?

The only way the UMNO goonies have now is to start throwing promises to sway the blue collar voters in the form of favoring what they wanted to see in favor of popular votes among the city folks.

So what have they promised?
1. Segregating the A-G and Public Prosecution.
2. Repeal ISA and
3. Meritocracy

These are all pure announcements to be act upon at a later date. When? Nothing was mentioned and since there are no actions embarked upon, it still falls in the category of promises which has no bearing to my vote.

Wah... my one vote so great ahh? They may think that way but UMNO goonies need to know that millions of other Malaysians think the same way as I do.

A positive note is that the Electoral Reforms Committee had been formed but how far the Bersih demands would be evaluated and implemented is yet a question since majority of the group are BN lawmakers.

So the question of boleh percaya BN, is still a big NO to me till we see the changes being implemented without strings attached.

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