Wednesday, June 22, 2011

UMNO and Perkasa tag team?

Stubborn as a mule!

Now, who is stubborn and who is the mule?

Well, it can no better describe the Malaysian DPM, Deputy Education Minister, UMNO elites and not forgetting Perkasa as stubborn and the mule. They had stood strong over the controversy on the novel Interlok being used as part of the Form Five syllabus.

They had the police backing them over the various protests or demonstrations by Groups rejecting the use of the controversial word "pariah" in the novel. Despite the various objections and criticisms, those mules still maintain their stand.

Interestingly, the teachers had upon themselves "blanked" the words manually using "magic stickers" themselves while the mules kept insisting to show a particular race supremacy although many novelists had claimed it was done in good faith.

Why the sudden turnaround? A flip flop!

The issue had proven too much for the UMNO Melayu elites and very obvious, fellow BN component party MIC have serious doubts over the sincerity off the mules over the coalition ahead of the upcoming General Election (GE). The Indian community have been "screwed" by the UMNO leaders that this turnaround is just a little too late to swing the Indian votes and afterall, DPM had lied about Interlok.

Frankly, they could have save the country monies and time for conducting various discussion, reviews, pasting the magic stickers and re-printing the books.

Now, who would bear the cost of re-printing? Taxpayers monies? I simply don't agree that the rakyat had to bear the brunt for a screwed typical UMNO mindset folly!!!

Similarly, the many "punishing statements or accussations" thrown to the Chinese community by the irresponsible UMNO leaders and Perkasa is proving deadly for them that MCA, another BN component party, are truly finding it difficult to regain the support of the community.

With all the "punishments" the other two major race in Malaysia is getting from the racist UMNO mules, a backlash against BN is forthcoming in the 13th GE and probably BN's swansong administering the country.

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