Friday, September 04, 2009

Selective Interrogation and Action!

One wonders if MACC can really pin the "crooks" in court when the allegely RM10million corruption against a RM2K, takes 2.5-3hours and nearly 12 hours respectively.

What about the RM24million palace?

Is investigation and prosecution by MACC selective and on instructions from "higher authorities"?

If this is the scenario added with this piece of news, Malaysia will remain the same and many more "mad cows" would be roaming the country shouting their heads off and leaving their dungs everywhere yet the herdsman will not reprimand the cows.

Only for 24hrs later the herdsman call for authorities to "slaughter" the "mad cows"!

Could this be the factor behind everything happening in Selangor?

To fund the actions, the Government launched another Projek Kerajaan BN by approving additional gaming license for special draws on approximately 2 Tuesdays in a month to collect funds for the Government coffers to fund "political frogs" and political activities???

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