Thursday, May 03, 2012

Bersih violence was caused by Datuk Bandar KL, ........

Najib: Violence caused by Bersih’s rejection of stadium offer

IS THIS TRUE? NIAMAH Najis...your submarine and Altantuya is coming up soon! 

FYI Najis, according to Buddhist beliefs, the unborn baby killed through abortion, murder etc. would come to haunt the person responsible for generations to come!!!

Anyway, the present Government leaders tongue are worse then a snake!! (flip-flops)

It is an open secret and acceptance by majority of Malaysians, that Bersih does not condone violence and the assembly was a peaceful ala carnival atmosphere. Singing Negara Ku and Rasa Sayang in harmony among all the races present would definitely send shivers down the spine of any BN leaders where at least one coward Minister chose to monitor the situation on Ground Zero atop a building in the cool comfort of air conditioning aided by a binoculars while the many other BN leaders had left Kuala Lumpur for reasons only known to them. (No balls??)

First and foremost, the Mayor of Kuala Lumpur should bear the brunt over the  "explosive" Saturday afternoon!


Why do you need to do this for KL when other locations were allowed to carry on the peaceful rally??? Are you stupid or dumb Mayor?? Or you are like any typical crony i.e. just executing instructions from the corrupted Government leaders?

For the failure to allow the planned 2 hours peaceful assembly to go ahead at Dataran Merdeka (DM). What was DBKL and the Mayor protecting at DM truly baffles Malaysians. (pssst Datuk Bandar.. every single blade of grass on DM is being financed by the rakyat!!!!)

By the way, the condition of the grass on the field is atrocious!!!

The issue here is your appointment as Datuk Bandar was a huge mistake that the rakyat had to suffer the consequences. It should have been based on merits and elected by the rakyat but instead cronies of the ruling Government is installed as a "barua" to the Government leaders.

The estimated 250,000 strong rakyat that had turned out for Bersih 3.0 were denied their rights and access to DM. And for whose interest was the decision made? DM was filled to the brim with police officers assembled for the subsequent violence on rakyat!!

I have to congratulate the police for the painstaking effort in planning what would have been a "fantastic" strategy to strike against the rally supporters by bringing in the 2,000 strong reinforcements from Pahang besides buying the Bersih t-shirts for undercover operatives to function as sabotuers and instigators for the violence.

With the police enforcing the Court obtained order against rakyat from entering DM and later, inflicted violence on the rakyat, I wonder if the police is committed to protecting the people or are just acting on the instruction of the corrupted Government leaders.

The police has to be reminded that their salary are coming from the rakyat too and is that how you treat your paymasters??? For donkey years the lower ranked officers had been living in "shitty" conditions and it is time for you people to wake-up and deliver your votes for a better tomorrow for your loved ones.

Those lousy UMNO leaders were just making use of YOU for their personal gains and corruption. Those at the top echelons of the police force would benefit from the corrupted leaders who are bent on corrupting the force to the core while the lower ranks still remains poor with the ever rising cost of living.

To the lower rank police officers, it is time for all of you to start realising that any Government installed would require your services and only calibre leaders with high integrity would be able to help everyone to improve the standard of living which we can all describe as NIAMAH for the past 54 years of independence.

So who to blame for the violence?

It's the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Datuk Bandar and police chiefs...royal/international tribunal for all three of them!!!

p/s. If Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali had instigated for the rush into DM, then I would support legal actions be instituted against them.

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