Saturday, May 26, 2012

more 428 pictures that tells the story ....

Still photos taken from RTM's production of Bersih 3.0 itu Kotor  program aired recently

The face of the alleged "Bersih police conspirator" kicking his colleague being conveniently hidden to protect the identity.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Bersih violence was caused by Datuk Bandar KL, ........

Najib: Violence caused by Bersih’s rejection of stadium offer

IS THIS TRUE? NIAMAH Najis...your submarine and Altantuya is coming up soon! 

FYI Najis, according to Buddhist beliefs, the unborn baby killed through abortion, murder etc. would come to haunt the person responsible for generations to come!!!

Anyway, the present Government leaders tongue are worse then a snake!! (flip-flops)