Friday, October 10, 2008

Respect Leaders? Excuse Me, Are You Our Respected Leader?

Najib has started behaving like a PM but the "foul smelling" UMNO mentality may prove difficult for the minds of Malaysians to accept. His wife must now be the happiest Malaysian Minister spouse and whole lotta dreams.

If he aspires to be a true leader, he should start efforts to gain respect from Malaysians but quoting "people must reject quarters who did not respect their leaders" is just equivalent to forcing down the rakyat's throat to toe the line as how UMNO had practised to a near destruction this moment.

Najib's statement follows the recent threatening calls by MCA Klang Division Chairman Datuk Teh Kim Poo and stinks like a "poo-poo"!

Would Malaysia be in better hands and economic growth post Abdullah era?

The answer is, doubtful!

In view of such statements and the "rat race" going on for UMNO No.2 position, it will be more of a race for party "(personal) economy" supremacy rather then sincere objectives to serve the people of the nation.

Where the agreed rule that leader of UMNO, as majority in the ruling coalition would hold the Prime Ministership and Deputy, it is obvious that any party member whom have sufficient support woul take a pot shot at the position. When "money, money, money" is at the centre of the attraction, the lesser known unhappy potential UMNO candidates gets thrown to the back of the line.

Najib time and again forgot that, it was the Malaysian rakyat who voted him into the position and shall not be bullied into submission to toe the line like UMNO members. Perhaps it is time for Malaysians to elect candidates that have real interests to serve and contribute to the nation.

PAS reps attend Chinese festival at temple! Surprise? This raises a challenge to UMNO if they would match this feat?

In actual fact it's Najib who did not understand the basic tendency of courtesy and rude who did not respect the rakyat aspirations. So where is the love Najib?

Simple plain truth is BN and UMNO are all heading into political wilderness when the equation to be in party positions is still MONEY! Where is the love and pride in serving the people and country?

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